Submit, then Resist

In the name of Jesus, I resist Rebellion, Witchcraft, Stubbornness, Iniquity and Idolatry. I renounce Deception, Unjust Accusation, Lying and Believing Lies.

I ask You to cultivate in me the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness and self control.

In the name of Jesus, today I continue to receive Beauty in place of the Ashes of regret. I continue to receive the Oil of Joy in place of Grief and Mourning.

I choose to throw off the spirit of Heaviness and put on the Garment of Praise.

I commit myself to sober-mindedness and vigilance. Thank You for opening the eyes of my understanding,
in the name of Jesus.

Some readers may have a problem with the things we resist in this prayer. If this is the case, you may experience difficulty when you try to pray this prayer out loud.
Do not be afraid.
Press past the resistance and reach out to the Lord with all your heart. Do not be afraid to pray the prayer aloud again tomorrow! God is hearing and answering. Pray this prayer each day until the resistance inside you stops.

All the prayers to begin Exiting Bad Luck: