I believe!

so your sins can be forgiven,   and you can become a believer,   below is a sample prayer to assist you.
As with all prayer, just speaking words achieves nothing.
So shut yourself in with God when you are ready to pray, and speak these words aloud,   to God,   from your heart:

Heavenly Father,
I thank You for the privilege of coming into Your presence to ask You to forgive me and cleanse me, and give me eternal life.
I am aware that I am a sinner and that my sins have brought a separation between You and me.
I acknowledge that Your Son, Jesus Christ is the only One who can bridge this gap between us, and I come to You in His name.

I believe that Jesus Christ came in the flesh, and that He died in my place on the cross.
I believe that You raised Jesus from the dead, in order that I might be justified.

Right now I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, and I repent of my sins. Lord Jesus, right now I receive You into my heart, as my Saviour.

I place myself and my life in your hands now and I thank You for saving me.
I love You, Lord Jesus.

When you have prayed this prayer from your heart,
you have entered a new relationship with our Father in heaven.

It is a good idea now
to read through the Gospel of John,
using a version of the Bible that you can understand easily.
Ask the Lord to make Himself real to you each time you read.

All the prayers to begin Exiting Bad Luck: